what should a home care provider really be doing?

what should a home care provider really be doing?

  • What to Do When Your Parent Won't Admit Dementia

    Losing your cognitive abilities is a frightening process. Many aging parents won't want to admit that they are having trouble taking care of themselves. That makes it hard to get the proper care for them. Here are some things you can do when a parent is reluctant to admit dementia. Realize Denial Is Natural Denial is a natural reaction for many dementia patients. It's embarrassing to admit that you've had trouble completing tasks that have been a natural part of your day for decades.

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what should a home care provider really be doing?

If you have a home health care worker in your home, you know very well how helpful he or she can be. What you may not know is what all that worker is supposed to be doing while in your home. Does the service provide general housecleaning services? Should he or she be doing laundry for the one that they are caring for? My blog will show you what services may or may not be offered by home health care services so that you can look further into what the service you have hired is supposed to be doing in your home.